Layers and Layers In PhotoShop I try as much as possible to use only my own photos when I’m doing these images. Various models from […]
Tag: Portraits
Why Should I Get a Professional Headshot?
Why are Professionally done Headshots important? Why should I get a professional headshot? How about a good selfie? If you are your brand or you […]
How To Paint In Photoshop
Painting Over Photos In Photoshop There are lots of videos and articles online for using layers and filters to create a painting from a photo […]
How Can I take Great Portrait Photographs?
Learn The Rules First of all, learn the rules really really well, then, and only then, allow yourself to break them. There are technical aspects […]
Portraits From The Last Few Months
Here are portraits that I’ve done over the last few months. Some with studio lighting, some natural or window light. Some posed, some casual or […]