Steve Hanks Inspired Nudes

These three photos are from a series I did in the early 1990s.  In a make shift photography studio with construction lights. I recently scanned the negatives.  A lot of loss and damage to the negatives over the years.  I spent some time fixing them up.  They are not perfect but are still some of my most treasured photographs. 

Inspired by a favourite artist:  Steve Hanks.  You can see his work here: Steve Hanks Work  

Steve painted nudes but had much other material as well.  Amazing water colors. The detail in his painting is unbelievable but the emotion is what draws you in.  Unfortunately Steve passed away in 2015.   HIs work lives on, though.  Check it out.  There are dozens of websites out there displaying his work. 

I’ve also lost track of the model. Would love to shoot with her again even though more than 25 years have passed.  Julie is somewhere in Florida, I believe. 

I still have the quilt and now much better lights and modifiers, if anyone is interested mimicking more of Steve Hanks work... 

I’ve also put these three photographs through a ‘painterly’ filter.  You can see those on my Instagram Account:  The only way these are acceptable to Instagram is to either block out the nipples or make the photo into a painting. 

I’ve converted a number of photos into paintings using various apps and Photoshop.  Photoshop has a feature where you can add brush strokes to an image.  It’s time consuming and sometimes doesn’t work but I’ve gotten some very cool ‘paintings’ this way. 

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