Comic Con Calgary 2017 Update
I’ll be there, in Calgary, again in 2023. April. And in Toronto 2023. August.
Calgary Comic Con 2017 was definitely a riot of fun taking photos. I spent two days there photographing an unbelievable number of creative individuals with their costumes.
I started recently to figure out some stuff with Photoshop. I’m an old guy and didn’t grow up with digital workings so it never came to me naturally. Not like with my kids.
I had a vision of what I wanted with some of the photos that I was taking in Calgary at the ComicCon event. I’ve been practicing and finally am able to use Photoshop to get what I want. At least it is a beginning.
For me the photos here are a big win. Not terribly complicated with the steps I’m using. Just a lot of grunt work. Which I don’t really mind.
With Photoshop, I’ve tried several different techniques. The ‘Eraser’, ‘History’, ‘Clone’ and ‘Blur’ are my main tools. Bizarre but I never really ‘understood’ layers until more recently. Once I twigged that learning other techniques were not that complicated.
ComicCon is really a hoot for a photographer. The folks in costume really want to be photographed. So, as a photographer it is a real treat. Your models know their characters and naturally go into appropriate poses.
Now that I have a even better idea of what I want as an end product, I can photograph individuals from the angles and distances, with the poses that I need.
Best advice that I could ever give photographer: You don’t need a reason to create!
I hope I find as many willing Cosplayers this year as years past. As I said, I should be in Calgary - April 30th, 31st. Toronto in August, and hopefully, will be back in time for the Niagara Falls Comic Con in June. (I live in Niagara Falls, Ontario)
You can follow my escapades on Instagram
Hope you like the photos. I’ll be editing more and add them here on in future on the blog.