Frightened Yet??
Haunt Manor Niagara Falls
If you are anywhere near Niagara Falls, Canada in the last part of September through to the end of October, be sure to visit Haunt Manor. Located at Campark Resorts on Lundy’s Lane, just on the edge of the city. You can’t miss the big red barn! Inside is full of scary stuff. And in saying, if you are near Niagara Falls, I mean a couple of hours drive is completely worth it, if that’s what it takes.
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Haunt Creator:
Phil Van Kleef, the mad mind behind this whole creation, and his team have created the largest Screampark/Haunted attraction in Canada using professional make up artists, actors and set design.
Phil and his crew tour some of the largest and successful Haunt attractions in the world to learn and get ideas so that Haunt Manor Niagara Falls can be updated every season to give you a new, exciting and ‘scary’ event!
You can purchase tickets and learn more (hours, dates, etc) here:
Below are a few photos of the actors decked out in their make up and costumes.
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There are three pages of more of my photos on this website of the actors in make up and costumes.
Haunt Pages
Haunt One | Haunt Two | Haunt Three
#hauntmanor #hauntmanorniagarafalls #hauntedattraction #hauntedhouse #portraits #dramaticportraits #costumes #cosplay #halloween #halloweencostumes