Life Should Be Fun - Make It So
Not everything is perfect all the time. One needs to enjoy work or at least a good part of it. The actual effort of doing it.
I’m a photographer and I also work sometimes as a demonstrator/sales person at trade shows. I work for a company a couple of times a years now (I’m supposed to be retired) selling a very high quality product.
I’ve been selling it for years and at these shows, particularly of late, there has been more complaining than usual. I started to agree how poor things were and then realized how much I enjoyed the activity. The interaction with people. I have no qualms about the quality of what I’m selling and I don’t do the ‘hard sell’ type of selling.
I really, really enjoy the effort of doing that activity.
Same goes for photography. I got a new computer fairly recently so that I could access the new AI features of Photoshop.
And that opened up a whole new world! Pretty much endless creative possibilities. I have thousands of photos that I’m using for backgrounds, foregrounds and bits and pieces.
I’ve found that a lot of photos that I took in the past, I took with this sort of thing in mind. Taking the shot, knowing it might make a great background for something and now, wonderfully, getting to actually use these photos.
Some of the photos here have backgrounds manipulated from my photos. Some fully, some partially. I’ve been using buildings and streets and the like from Amsterdam and other cities in the Netherlands and also from Prague. They lend themselves very well to this sort of image.
I’ll come up with some kind of idea of what I want to do and start putting things together. Much like a painting, I think. I’m sure painters find that many times they get to the end and it’s not what they’d hoped. I might spend a few hours on something and scrap it altogether because it looks like crap. And when I get something I really like I can hardly stop tweaking and creating variations.
And however it turns out, I’m having loads of fun in the process. So much fun.
So life CAN be fun. You have to make it that way. And it won't get that way if you are serious.
Hope you like the results.