Family and Children Photography

Family and Children Photography

Some of the more challenging types of photos:  Kids mostly.

I’ve had family photography shoots where the family has just come to me after mom and pop have had a big fight.  And the children are wired. Other times, they just won’t sit still with momma in the room.  I’ve more than once had to send momma out and the kids calmed down almost instantly. 

Quite likely part of this is that they don’t know my buttons and what they can get away with.

But I’ve found if I work with them and consult their intelligence and understanding,
my work with them gets way easier. 

Below are some samples of family and children photography that I’ve taken over the last few years.
All of these are location photos.  Generally, that is much easier with lots of space to distract the kids.

If you have any questions, please ask.

I do also can do studio photography - which can work quite well in some situations.
Check out the galleries below:
(And my Blog here)

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