Model T Ford Cars at Campark Resorts

Model T Ford Club of Ontario

Updated Saturday evening (25May24)

Added a couple more that I shot today.  These old cars have their stories.  Who knows if what I envision is anywhere close but sure is fun imagining.


Here are a couple of photos from yesterday at the park. (Today's date 24 May 24)

I'll try and do some more this evening, depending on rain.  

Anyone checking this out if you can give me any more information about the cars or the club/group, please email me or leave in comments!



2 Replies to “Model T Ford Cars at Campark Resorts”

    1. Rob, Thanks so much for the info. Check the site now, I’ve added your car. Hope you like the story I’ve tried to make with it.
      I can email you the photos if you need.

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